The story of the Martian tells the story of Mark Wanted who gets stranded on Mars after a massive dust storm that interrupts their satellite connection. Mark’s space team now believes that he’s presumable dead.
feel that this story uses several themes and aspects that are used in the space genre of storytelling. From the unknown of space to the feeling of isolation, having to survive with whatever he comes across on the red planet. He has to figure out how to get oxygen, water and food in order to survive, while also making sure that his loneliness doesn’t affect him internally. This is not only used in space based genre stories, but in horror stories as well. Horror and space/sci-fi genre series are fairly similar. You have the wide, and unexplored depths of space and it’s from the unknown/unexplored space that horror and intensity come from. Another aspect of the horror in the story comes with others finding out that Mark had been left alone on Mars. Annie Montrose is shocked when she hears the news.
I would say that even psychological thriller could be an aspect in the story. Amenity coming from the intensity of trying to solve how to get back to earth and communicate back to his team. Most of the story derives form Mark trying to keep his sanity and solve whatever problems he comes across on Mars. I feel that this is connected to the horror of space in loneliness of Mars.
Comedy is also a huge factory in the story. Mark Wanted, who is left on Mars by his space exploration team, has to endure the landscape of Mars, and his sanity and sense of humor is still intact. As being the only one on a deserted planet, you have to be able to keep your composure and avoid losing sanity. Mark would talk to himself to keep him occupied, in order to elevate the sadness of being all alone on a planet, without any hope of being brought back to earth.
I like how you relate the unexplored spaces known to the sci-fi genre to that of the horror genre, as it is the mystery inherent in such spaces that make them terrifying.