The story of Night Circus tells the story of magicians who are told that they must compete against each other in competition that travels from location to location, looking for contestants and participants.The story’s themes of magic, wonder, love, and our relationship with it, how magic is so important to us. I really feel that the story handles aspects and themes that can be viewed as one that teens and young adults can get behind.
The magical elements in the story depicts how people are entranced in magic, which is the main focus of the story. This can be a mirror on how, as they get older, teens and young adults start to wonder more and more about what they can do and since the magic isn’s completely explained, it goes with how teens are unsure of what may not be sure of what they will do down the road. I really feel that magic and adolescence can be viewed as mirrored versions of each other. Both are unpredictable and interesting.
The notion of love was interesting to me. In the story, love is used in a way that is subtle, but also obvious. One example that comes to mind is the relationship between Hector and daughter Celia. It’s during the invitation and obstacles in the circus. The obviousness comes from the father-daughter relationship. The subtleness comes from them knowing that they love each other and talking to one another in between obstacles. Another issue that arises in the story is sacrifice, which relates to love. Here, it’s used in order to show how much certain characters love each other. It is also used to show their relationship between each other. For example, several characters would sacrifice one another, from Hector sacrificing himself for his daughter, or Tsukiki and Hector doing the same. This gives the story depth, especially between characters, and lets the viewer believe in the characters and the situations given.
Overall, Night Circus, handles certain issues between the characters in a realistic and satisfying manner. Each for the aspects and. The themes presented in the story delves deep into each character’s motivations and is able to create a compelling story for the reader to dive in.
I like how you relate magic of the competition to adolescence in that both are left often unexplained to them. I think this is also a reflection of the teachings of Marco's and Celia's parents. I think it's ironic that both parents/teachers told them nothing in an attempt to keep them focused on the challenge, yet in many ways it made them more unpredictable and invested in each other and the world around them.