Directed by Joel Schumacher, The Lost Boys is a unique horror film from the 1980's about vampires. The film is about two brothers who encounter a band of bikers after they move to Santa Carla in California. There, they find out that the bikers they met are actually vampires and are gathering teens into their cult and turning them into vampires. The film is about the brothers trying to kill them, and destroy the head vampire.
In the film, Vampires are portrayed as these cult leaders who are taking innocent children and teens to be part of their cult. The fact that the head vampire must be destroyed in order to destroy every other vampire chances the cult aspect that Schumacher creates. As opposed to the usual portrayal of vampires like Nosferatu, and Bram Stoker’s Dracula, these vampires are seen as being able to pass for teenagers. They go out at night to stalk and gain new members to turn into vampires. They wore these punk rocker, almost gothic clothing, to differentiate themselves from other people there. Like bats, the film also shows these vampires sleeping by being hung upside-down from the ceiling. They also cannot go into the sunlight. The film shows the usual aspects of vampires that we are familiar with, but modernizes them in way that seems natural an different, especially for creating a new kind of vampire of a new generation. The film embraces the stereotypes and aspects that Vampires and Dracula are known for, and establishes it’s own rules.
Overall, the film creates an intriguing story about modern vampires and creates it’s own spin on the classic interpretation of vampires a new audience.
I like how you explain the details of the vampire of how they disguise themselves to blend in the crowd and know what they do to others. It is true that we are familiar with vampires through the old ages where we know their weakness in the old way; but now in the present, we can see how they change their style by still keeping their original weakness, but show other ways to kill them.