Directed by Scott Derrickson, Sinister is a 2012 horror film that revolves around a crime writer who finds these mysterious film tapes that show disturbing murders that date back decades ago.
The weirdness and unusualness come from the tapes themselves, which were found in a box in an empty attic. He wonders why the content in the tapes are all related.
Each tape show a different family being executed in various ways, from hanging, to being lit on fire in a car in their garage. Each tape has one thing in common, the mysterious creature known as the Baghuul. The Baghuul is depicted as this sharply dressed, mouthless spirit that haunts and hypnotizes children into committing horrendous acts of cruelty. He doesn’t say anything, and is treated as this unsettling entity that is the driving force for the murders shown in the tapes. This is another aspect to the story that gives it it’s weirdness and and unknowingness. Who is he? Why is he recruiting children to commit horrid acts? What is his end goal? This is ultimately unresolved, which adds even more vagueness and mystery to the Baghuul.
When it comes to horror, I believe that what is unexpected can be just as scary, sometimes even more. The unknown can be so curious to us, and can be so unnerving. In most horror films, wither it be a supernatural horror, a murder mystery, or a generic slasher film, not knowing anything about the killer and not knowing the reasoning and motives can cause the story to be unnerving to the viewer. That, I feel can cause a successful, intended reaction that makes the story that more intriguing.
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