Saturday, December 8, 2018

Final Post

Who looking at the question, I decided to look at genre stories and storytelling in general. I envision stories advancing the types of stories they tell, creating stories that resonate will the ever advancing and evolving situations.

I see future genre stories still happening, and being able to create amazing stories that can inspire future stories and storytellers to make their own as well.
Looking back at the whole semester, going from examining horror, then sci-fi, and then to fantasy, I feel that we will continue to get more stories that explore different genres, and adding underlying topics and messages that can attract more people to their stories. Stories will adapt and evolve into addressing themes that can teach and grab audiences and tell topical stories that we may need. Stories are best when they can tell stories that can somehow resonate with an audiences, wether it be characters, setting, or having a message that can resonate with the readers.

When looking beyond my life time, I really feel that storytelling will still continue to evolve. I really do see storytelling creating stories that continue to evolve. As the time continues to advance, we do as well.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

I Think We're All Bozos on This Bus

For this weeks’ reading, or should I say Listening, I chose “I Think We’re Bozos on the Bus” from Firesight Theater. “Bozos on the Bus” explores issues of how technology has become more prevalent and advanced as the years go by. It’s surprising seeing how technology is portrayed at this way of learning about what had happened before. This is strongly similar to how technology is helping us earn about not only what had happened before, but about what is happening now.  

I feel that the title refers to how sometimes we are all out of it when it comes to how advanced technology is becoming, and how those who aren’t very close to technology can become slow to everything around them. The word “bozo” from the title, also refers to clowns, which relates to the amusement park aesthetic of the story. To me, I also see it as how some can be confused to how technology is now, and how they may be "bozos" compared to those who are well aware of how technology is now.

While listening to it, I doesn’t really understand completely everything presented. There were aspects that I understood, like the messages of technology in the amusement park setting, but didn’t really get everything else beyond that> I might have been because if the time and types of jokes the speakers would talk about. Even though I did understand their stories and how they used technology into aspects of the stories, I overall dint really get that much from it. Even though I didn’t really get any impact from listening, I did enjoy their portrayal of ow technology would be used as, all through the amassment park setting. I really feel that this is an interesting method of talking about technology and how it can be used later on.

Overall, this story sheds light on technology and how twisted and unconventional it can be. I really feel that this is an unconventional mirrored image of technology and how it overtaken our daily schedule and society.